Cricut Doorhanger Make your textMeasure the surface space and divide it by the letters that you want to use.Open up your cricut software.Open a blank screen.Select “text” and create your...
Canva Photography – Tammy CANVA PHOTOGRAPHY Create a design Open your Canva profile. Create a custom size 1600 x 1600 px design under the “create a design” button on the top right corner. Select and upload your picture under the “uploads” button on the...
Types of Grapevine – Tammy Types of Grapevine Different types of grapevinesYou get a 14”, 16” and 18” round grapevine.The 14” grapevine has a thicker ring and is more compact than the 18” and so you will need a lot less florals to fill the 14” one.The 16”...
How to attach a plush or metal sign to your design – Tammy How to attach a plush or metal sign to your design...
Fall Wedding Head Table Centerpiece – Tammy
Full Video Fall Wedding Head Table Centerpiece - Tammy 36 inch long tan swag base (Deco Exchange)63048 Orange (Deco Exchange )Groundsel Bush...
How to Use Scrap Mesh – Tammy How to use scrap mesh - Tammy Evergreen (Michaels)Assorted Scrap MeshSams Ribbon x2 Velvet stars (Walmart)Weave 2.5 Ribbon (Deco Exchange-RW580424)1.5...
Fall Evergreen with Oranges Tutorial Mesh – Tammy
Full Video [Recipe Card] Fall Evergreen with Oranges Tutorial Mesh - Tammy 10 inch mesh burlap juteOne ring Walmart formOrange slices...
Shopping for Ribbon – Tammy Shopping for Ribbon The first thing I look for when shopping for ribbon is if it is wired.The second thing is, is it floppy?Will it make a good tail or will it make a good bow?Look for...
Football Centerpiece – Tammy
Full Video Football Centerpiece - Tammy Buffalo Plaid Charger (Buffalo Plaid Charger)Football Sign (Hobby Lobby (a couple of seasons ago))Brick of Foam (Hobby Lobby...
Spring Grapevine – Tammy
Full Video Spring Grapevine - Tammy 16 Inch Oval GrapevinePeonies Floral BunchEucalyptus1.5 Inch Mackenzie Childs DUPE ribbonGreen Bean Bush Trim...