337-378-0002 info@damonoates.com
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These terms and conditions apply to all clients of DecoExchange, The Makers University and/or Damon Oates.

  • Returns are NOT permitted due to the nature of the service.
  • Refunds are not provided unless the service provider is responsible for failing to meet the terms of the service agreement.
  • All Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time. No refunds are issued on unused portion of the subscriptions. Subscriptions are cancelled immediately upon request. Access to the subscription resources, including the Facebook group, is revoked immediately, not at end of paid period.
  • The customer is responsible for reading the entire description prior to purchasing a workshop/subscription. Refunds will not be issued for duplicate
    subscription charges.
  • Refunds will not be issued for accidental purchases of “extras” during workshops.
  • If a customer is signed up for Combined Coaching and chooses to cancel only one of the three memberships included, pricing for the memberships kept will be adjusted to regular pricing versus the discounted rate included in Combined Coaching.
  • Monthly subscriptions will be charged each month on the same day as the day of the month when the subscription was first activated. Annual subscriptions will be charged each year on the same day and month as the day and month as when the subscription was first activated.
  • Subscription payment dates cannot be changed under any circumstances.