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12.17.20 Valentine Mesh on a Grapevine – Mellie Mel (REPLAY)

valentine's day wreath with bows and hearts


  • EZ Bow Maker
  • Hot glue gun


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Valentine's Mixed Wreath

Author: Melissa Morrow


  • EZ Bow Maker
  • Hot glue gun



Placement of the pipe cleaners:

  • Start with an Oval 14” grapevine bunch.
  • Take a red pipe cleaner, create a hook on the end.
  • Push the pipe cleaner through a small piece of the vine at the top
  • Twist and repeat with the remaining 9 pipe cleaners spacing them out equally.

Making and placing the cruffles:

  • Take your 20” mesh, curl one end over.
  • Flatten the curl in the center and pinch together the rest of the mesh ending with another curl.
  • Push it flat in the center and scrunch it together.
  • Place your cruffle onto the pipe cleaner horizontally and tightly twist the pipe cleaner twice.
  • Continue this process placing each Cruffle side to side with the curl openings touching each other.

Adding the extra curl:

  • Take Your 10” mesh and create a chunky curl.
  • Flatten the middle and pinch the center.
  • Place on top of the cruffle with the edge on the bottom, the curl openings facing side to side and not pointing out of the wreath.
  • Fasten with two tight twists of the pipe cleaner.
  • Repeat with the rest of the curls.

Prepping and placing your hearts: 

  • Place your big ribbon wrapped wire hearts on the wreath, one on the top left and one on the bottom right of the wreath.
  • Wrap two pipe cleaners around the heart to secure it, one on top and one on the bottom.
  • Push a pipe cleaner through the back of your small plush hearts using a wooden pick to guide it through and twist twice.
  • Place them in the center of your big hearts securing it with the pipe cleaner attached at the back as well as some glue.

Making and placing the bows & extras

  • Take your ribbon and make three 5.5” loops with 9” tails, by making a loop and twisting it and repeating until you have 3 loops.
  • Make 5 of these using different ribbons with the last one starting with a middle loop and being slightly smaller.
  • Layer them on top of each other making sure that you alternate the direction of the tails.
  • Take a long pipe cleaner made by combining two and wrap it around your bow layers in the center.
  • Cut your bow ends.
  • Fluff out your bow making sure to pull the ends down to one direction.
  • Repeat to make another bow.
  • Place your bows on your wreath opposite of your big hearts wrapping the pipe cleaner through the vine and twisting it at the back.
  • Make extra mini bows with 6” tails and two 5” loops to add additional decoration to your wreath, securing them with glue.
  • Stick a heart decoration in the middle of your mini bow with some glue to cover the pipe cleaners.
  • Add sequenced stems/twigs in and around your wreath for some sparkle.
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